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Covid 19 and Return to School

How will we return to school?  A blog to share concerns, ideas and suggestions on how to handle the new "normal" in TN schools. ...

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Feeding Kids

Will social distancing impact how we feed kids?  How will time constraints, pin pad entries, etc impact ability to feed students in a timely manner?  What about second chance breakfasts?  What does cafeteria seating look like?  

Family Engagement

Educating students, parents, faculty and staff, community about the new normal.

What is expected of our students, families, visitors?  What will we need to convey and how will it be conveyed?  

Another issue will be how do we let parents into the building?  How about accompanying pre-k to class.  

Counseling and Social Services

Mental Health

How do we support students?  Parents?  Faculty and staff?

School Climate

Classroom/Course Configuration

Will there be a need to go to a flexible schedule?  Class size to change?  What about class change at middle and high school level?  What about large sized classes such as chorus, or close contact classes such as PE?  What about recess?

Health Services

Medically Fragile Students.  

IHP and IEP meetings to occur before school starts?  Homebound expanded?

After School Programs

After School Care

Extended School Programs/LEAPS.  What type of concerns will be in this area?  How will extracurricular activities occur? 

Community Engagement

Volunteers and Outside Agencies

Will there be a screening process?  Will temps and questionnaires be given each time a volunteer enters the building?  Who will be responsible for this?